8th International Conference on Gender Research
10-11 April 2025, Porto, Portugal

ISCAP, Porto, Portugal


    Welcome to ICGR 2025

    Despite some advances being made in the area, topics related to gender research remain pertinent and are gaining momentum in a changing society. It is thus important to empower and to develop research on specific gender topics, in order to acquire a clearer understanding and to obtain important insights.

    Now in its eighth year the International Conference on Gender Research intends to be established in the cutting edge of gender research and we welcome everyone researching in this area to present their work and to the scientific community. ICGR is an event which brings likeminded researchers together from across the world to share their research and discuss the issues closest to gender research.


    Personal Message from the Conference Chairs

    Important Dates

    Abstract submission deadline18 September 2024
    Notification of abstract acceptance02 October 2024
    Full paper due for review07 November 2024
    Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes)16 January 2025
    Earlybird registration closes30 January 2025
    Final paper due (with any changes)13 February 2025
    Final Author payment date06 March 2025
    We are planning to run our series of conferences as physical events with the option for participants to join virtually. We urge you to continue to submit your abstracts and papers in line with the published dates (extensions will be granted on request). For more details contact info@academic-conferences.org

    Publication Opportunities

    Papers accepted for the ICGR after the double-blind peer review process, will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The conference proceedings have an ISSN  (2516-2802) and will be assigned an ISBN on publication.Proceedings are accessible here: https://papers.academic-conferences.org/index.php/icgr

    Additionally, papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for further development and possible publication in the journals listed below. Authors are invited to submit their work to these journals mentioning that they attended the conference. Authors will be expected to develop the work by 40-50%, including a change of title and abstract. Individual journal procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication.

    Conference Accreditations

    The Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research will be submitted to the following bodies for indexing:

        • submitted for consideration by the Web of Science (WoS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index
        • Elsevier SCOPUS abstract and citation database
        • Google Scholar
        • Google Book Search
        • EBSCO
        • ProQuest

    The Conference Proceedings are submitted for accreditation on publication. Please note that depending on the accreditation body this process can take up to several months.