International Conference on Education Research
21 - 22 November 2024, Cape Town, South Africa 

Independent Institute of Education, South Africa


Welcome to ICER 2024

The International Conference on Education Research has been established to provide an opportunity for those working in all fields of education research to come together and share ideas and present their research. The global approach to education has changed considerably over the years, particularly in the uses of technology in teaching and learning. Active learning and student engagement has become more prevalent and the expectations for continuous assessment and feedback are growing. This leads to fundamental changes curriculum design and delivery at all levels of education.

This conference seeks to be a leading outlet for education research and aims to bring together a diverse range of thinkers on the topic We welcome everyone researching in this area to present their work to the scientific community. ICER 2024 will be hosted by the Independent Institute of Education in Cape Town, South Africa.

Conference Chair

Margi Boosey

Programme Chair

Willy Engelbrecht

Personal Message from the Conference Chairs

The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) are excited to bring together academics, educators, scholars, and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest trends and innovations in teaching and learning in higher education.

The higher education landscape is constantly changing, driven by new technological developments and evolving societal needs. It is more important than ever for higher education institutions to adapt their teaching and learning practices to ensure that students are prepared for success in the workforce and in life.

This conference will provide a platform for participants to share their research, insights, and best practices on a wide range of topics related to teaching and learning in higher education, including:

  • The use of technology in teaching and learning
  • Active learning and student engagement
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Curriculum design and delivery
  • Inclusive teaching and learning
  • Teaching for social justice

We believe that research should be used to inform and guide teaching and learning practices in higher education. This conference is an opportunity for participants to learn from each other and to develop new strategies for optimizing the student learning experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to Cape Town!

The Organizing Committee

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadlineSTILL ACCEPTING ABSTRACTS
Notification of abstract acceptance15 May 2024
Full paper due for review20 June 2024
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes)29 August 2024
Earlybird registration closes12 September 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)26 September 2024
Final Author payment date17 October 2024

This conference will be a physical event in Cape Town, but we will also run a virtual stream for participants not able to travel to the conference. We urge you to continue to submit your abstracts and papers in line with the published dates (extensions will be granted on request). For more details contact

Conference Publications

Papers accepted for the ICER after the double-blind peer review process, will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The conference proceedings have an ISSN and will be assigned an ISBN on publication.

The Editors of the Electronic Journal of e-Learning will make selections if they feel work is appropriate and of sufficient quality for the journal. If invited to publish in a journal authors will be expected to develop the work by 40-50%, including a change of title and abstract. Individual journal procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication.

Electronic Journal of e-Learning (ISSN 1479-4403)

Conference Accreditations

ACIL has an excellent track record of proceedings being indexed in WoS, Scopus and other bodies. In many cases, for Proceedings to be considered, a conference has to show three years of high quality proceedings before they can be indexed. We therefore hope that you will support this new conference so we will be able to have the proceedings indexed as soon as possible.