ECRM Call for Papers

Academic Conference Call for Papers
  • Academic Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Work in-Progress Papers
  • Round Table Discussion Proposals
  • PhD Papers
  • Posters
  • Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions

Aims and Scope

The ECRM conference will bring together researchers from a range of disciplines and sectors to share expertise and novel approaches in business and management research methods. ECRM is interested in contributions on the subject of research methods used in business and management research. The main focus of the paper should be on the research method.

This includes papers :

      • that discuss and assess at least one of a whole range of potential quantitative and qualitative research methods – including (but not limited to) such methods as mixed methods, experimental design, critical theory, critical realism, grounded theory. Of particular interest are new methods for business research in the networked world, which may have a history in other disciplines but little application to business research questions.
      • on all aspects of the method including: managing the application, dealing with the problems and drawbacks of the method, enhancing existing application processes etc.
      • that report case studies, which focus on the issues raised concerning the research method used by the case application.  Note this means that we are expecting some conclusions about the research method used in the case.
      • on the teaching of research methods.
      • that address the opportunities and challenges of online data collection and analysis, from online surveys and web experiments to social data and opinion mining, social networks and other digital methods.

Papers that are straightforward pieces of research are not of interest UNLESS they spend a significant amount of space on the methods used and the important issues raised with respect to research methods. All Papers accepted for ECRM after the double-blind peer review process will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. 

The Proceedings is a published book with an ISBN and ISSN.

See below for important dates.

Key Topics

      • Research using technology: Quantitative and Qualitative approaches
      • Mixed method research, particularly with an emphasis on the different ways in which researchers combine quantitative and qualitative methods in network projects
      • Teaching research methodology in business and management
      • Online research methods

For more information on Key Topics, please click here

Mini Tracks

      • Mixed Methods for Research
      • The use of AI in research contexts
      • Quantitative Methodologies for Finance and Business Research

For more information on, or to submit to, a Mini Track, please click here

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadlineSTILL ACCEPTING ABSTRACTS
Notification of abstract acceptance15 January 2024
Full paper due for review20 February 2024
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes)11 April 2024
Earlybird registration closes25 April 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)09 May 2024
Final Author payment date30 May 2024
Excellence awards abstract submission24 January 2024
Excellence awards notification of abstract acceptance07 February 2024
Excellence awards full case history submission18 March 2024
Excellence awards finalists announced30 May 2024