ECMLG Call for Papers

Academic Conference Call for Papers
  • Academic Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Work in-Progress Papers
  • Round Table Discussion Proposals
  • PhD Papers
  • Posters
  • Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions

Aims and Scope

In today’s climate, more than ever, researchers are exploring the topics surrounding Management, Leadership and Governance. The European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance - ECMLG, offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in these issues to share their thinking and research findings. These fields of study are broadly described as including issues related to the management of the organisations’ resources, the interface between senior management and the formal governance of the organisation. This Conference provides a forum for discussion, collaboration and intellectual exchange for all those interested in any of these fields of research or practice.

All Papers accepted for ECMLG after the double-blind peer review process will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment.  The Proceedings is a published book with an ISBN and ISSN.

Please see the ECMLG Call for Papers Important Dates below


      • Leadership styles
      • Corporate Governance
      • Human Resources Management
      • Cultural implications
      • IS Management

For more information on Key Topics please click here

Mini Tracks

      • Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality
      • Management and Sustainability in the Aeronautic Sector
      • Artificial Intelligence Applied to Management, Leadership and Governance
      • Leadership and Management Beyond Boarders
      • Women in Leadership: The Liminal Fluctuating Spaces They Occupy
      • The Role of Corporate Governance in a Sustainable Business Environment

For more information on, or to submit to, a Mini Track, please click here

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadlineSTILL ACCEPTING ABSTRACTS
Notification of abstract acceptance08 May 2024
Full paper due for review13 June 2024
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes)22 August 2024
Earlybird registration closes05 September 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)19 September 2024
Final Author payment date10 October 2024