ECEL Call for Papers

Academic Conference Call for Papers
  • Academic Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Work in-Progress Papers
  • Round Table Discussion Proposals
  • PhD Papers
  • Posters
  • Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions

Aims and Scope

Over the past few years the importance and relevance of e-learning has become very clear. From school children during the pandemic to professional training in remote environments there are many practical implications.

Increasingly e-learning is taking a logical place in the design of learning materials. It is often integrated in the design process of learning. A blended learning design cycle sets goals, works out how these goals are best achieved and then fills out the appropriate methods of learning. In this way, e-learning can be chosen as a method of learning and can be selected for its true value. We are expecting examples of great course design as well as examples of good practice, showing the real value of e-learning innovations. By investigating the design and rationale behind good practice individuals will be better able to apply e-Learning applications in their own setting.

At ECEL we are seeking examples of great course design as well as examples of good practice, showing the real value of e-learning innovations. We are also interested in the evaluation of e-learning applications.

Key Topics

  • Blended learning
  • Digital Literacy
  • e-Learning in the Workplace
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Mobile Technologies
  • MOOCs
  • Pedagogy
  • Social Media
  • Teacher Training
  • Testing and Assessments

For more information on Key Topics please click here

Mini Tracks

  • Intelligent Adaptive e-Learning Systems and Applications
  • Technology in Teaching and Learning

For more information on, or to submit to, a Mini Track, please click here

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadlineSTILL ACCEPTING ABSTRACTS
Notification of abstract acceptance17 April 2024
Full paper due for review23 May 2024
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes)01 August 2024
Earlybird registration closes15 August 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)29 August 2024
Final Author payment date19 September 2024
Excellence awards abstract submission15 May 2024
Excellence awards notification of abstract acceptance29 May 2024
Excellence awards full case history submission08 July 2024
Excellence awards finalists announced08 August 2024